Lots of things happened on July 21st.
1) First and foremost...Daddio's Birthday!!
He's been around a long time and I hope he continues to be around for a long time!
He certainly is the best daddy I know and I'm so grateful for him being in my life.
I hope my daughters adore Alex as much as I adore my father.
(I bet they will. :)
I'm so glad he could have a party with all of his favorite things: family, close friends, steak, and zebra cakes. He said there were some pointy hats involved as well.
Happy Birthday, Daddy! I sure love you lots!
2) Our cat, Fuzzy Butt, passed away.
My parents had to put her down.
Her little body just could not handle everything anymore so they did what was best.
It still is so sad though!
We've had Fuzzy since I was I think 8?...a very long time!
She has survived climbing herself so high up in a tree we didn't know where she was for 4 days, tumors, cancer, and just being outside.
She looks like she should be inside on a silk pillow with tuna all day long.
Not Fuzzy!
She just wants dirt, pinestraw, and sharpening her claws on tree roots.
She also had the most awesome meow. Though I'm not sure if you could call it a "meow."
It was this raspy, gravely outburst of noise.
But she would greet you and purr to her heart's content.
She was a good cat, that Fuzzy Butt, and will be sorely missed next time I go home.
3) Lastly, I worked a 16 hour day at work.
Yes...that is a long time.
Yes...it's tiring.
Yes...I LOVE my job.
Just when I think I couldn't love it anymore, I do.
I love my girls so stinkin' much, that sometimes I just cry all the way home because they're so amazing.
Fun highlight: I let 2 of my girls bring home some goldfish they won at the carnival. And by win I mean, they did not in fact get the ping pong ball into the fish bowl, but the lady loved them and felt bad so she just gave the fish to them.
So they had the staff that was with them call me up and ask if they could bring them home. I said yes and they were beside themselves.
When they got back they gave me the biggest hugs and gave me the biggest Diet Coke I've ever received in my life. They know me too well. :)
New Haven rocks!
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